  • Welcome to

    The Russell School


Children are admitted to our Reception Class during the academic year of their fifth birthday. The academic year runs from 1st September to 31st August of the following year. Children are admitted to our Nursery class the term after their third birthday, please enquire to the school office if you would like a tour, an application form or more information.

We admit 30 children into our Reception Class. Places are allocated to those children whose parents have expressed a preference for a place at The Russell School on their Common Application Form to the Local Authority. If there are more preferences expressed than places available, then places will be allocated according to the Local Authority’s Primary School Admissions Policy.

For entry in September 2023, we are admitting 30 children. Applications must be returned to the Local Authority by 15th January 2023. The form can be submitted online or in paper form. The online form can be accessed by clicking on the link to the London Borough of Richmond’s website below. Paper forms can be obtained directly from the Admissions Department at the Local Authority (020 8547 5569).

We accept older children throughout the school year when there is a place available in the required year group. When a year group is oversubscribed, priority is given in accordance with the Local Authority’s Admissions Policy. All in-year applications must be made using an 'In Year Application Form' available from the London Borough of Richmond Admissions Department.

With regards to nursery places, all expressions of interest and applications should be made directly to the school. In September 2023, we will be admitting 26 children into the Nursery. All children will be offered a morning place with a September start. Therefore, this means that all children accepted into the Nursery must be three years of age prior to September 2023. If places are available, the school will accept new admissions to the Nursery for a January start. Please contact the school office for information.

If you have any queries regarding admissions, please telephone the school office. Further information regarding school admissions can be found on the London Borough of Richmond’s website.

School Admissions

In Year Applications

Secondary School Admissions