  • Welcome to

    The Russell School


Safeguarding and Child Protection is everyone’s responsibility. At The Russell School, the wellbeing, health and safety of every child is our priority. We expect all staff, governors, parents, carers and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.

We listen to our children and take what they tell us seriously. All school staff are trained in Safeguarding and Child Protection and know how to identify the signs of abuse, harm and neglect. Children are aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns. Staff are required to report their concerns to a member of the Designated Safeguarding Team:

• Designated Safeguarding Lead - Ms Laura Brooks
• Deputy Safeguarding Lead – Miss Rebecca James
• Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Ms Heather Clarke
• Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Julia Mead
• Designated Governor for Safeguarding – Mr Neil Cutting
• Designated Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC) and Post LAC children – Ms Heather Clarke

What should I do if I am concerned about a child?

The welfare of the child is paramount. At The Russell School, keeping pupils safe and ensuring that every child reaches their potential underpins everything that we do. We take our responsibility for the children in our care very seriously; we are here to protect, help, support and guide as best we can. You can read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy in the links below.

You can tell us about a child, young person or parent/ carer that needs support in some way by contacting our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Miss James or the Safeguarding Deputy, Ms Clarke. Contact can be made via the School Office, by email or by speaking to one of us at drop off/ pick up time. You may be concerned about a child's developmental needs, issues that the parent or carer is experiencing, or you may suspect that a child is being neglected or subjected to physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.

Our duty is outlined in detail within the Government documents ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ and ‘Keeping Children Safe In Education’ (links below). The school has a duty to record and report concerns and work alongside local agencies to ensure that all children are adequately safeguarded from harm.

All details are treated confidentially and will only be shared with Richmond’s Single Point of Access (SPA – see details below) if there are concerns that a child is at risk or that a child has made an allegation. It is always our aim to share our concerns transparently with the child’s parent or carer before making a referral. However, we reserve our right to refer without consent if we are sufficiently concerned about a child’s safety or we are unable to contact the parent/ carer after reasonable attempts have been made.

Early help

Early Help, sometimes known as early intervention, is an approach providing children, young people and families with support to thrive and reach their full potential. Early Help supports families whenever challenges first emerge. Early Help aims to improve the outcomes for a child.

If a family in our school community needs support, a member of our safeguarding team is happy to talk with the family about their concerns. The school can signpost to different organisations that may help. For example groups support programmes for parents. If the problem is more complex the school, with consent from families, can make a referral to the SIngle Point of Access, requesting Early Help support. The Early Help professional may undertake an assessment of need. Through this assessment, a plan will be agreed and services could be offered to address the assessed needs of a child and their family.

If your family requires support, please contact the School Office and request an appointment with one of our safeguarding team.

Single Point of Access (SPA)

You can also tell Richmond and Kingston Children’s Services, managed by Achieving for Children, about a child, young person or parent/ carer that needs support in some way by contacting their Single Point of Access Team (SPA).

Richmond and Kingston SPA (Single Point of Access)

  • Telephone 020 88547 5008 during office hours
  • Telephone the out of hours Duty Team (evenings and weekends) on 020 8770 5000
  • Report your concerns online
  • In an emergency, if you think a child is in immediate danger, you should call 999
  • If you need to speak to someone urgently outside of office hours, please call the Duty Social Worker 020 8744 2442

LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)

The LADO deals with allegations made against adults working with children



Safeguarding Policy

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)


Useful Documents and Links for Parents and Carers

Private Fostering – Information for Parents

Private Fostering – Information for Carers

Social Media Tips for Parents

WhatsApp Guide for Parents

YouTube Guide for Parents

Online Gaming Guide for Parents


Further information: Mental Health

If you or someone you know is suffering with mental health problems, there are many professionals who will be able to help you. You are very welcome to come in to school to speak to Miss James, Ms Clarke or Mrs Knight. We may encourage you to seek support from your GP. Alternatively, you may find these links helpful:

Mind, Mental Health Charity

Richmond Wellbeing Service


Further information: Domestic Abuse

If you or someone you know would like help with issues related to domestic abuse, again, you are welcome to seek support through school, your GP or the police. You may also find these links helpful:

Royal Mail Safer Space (scroll to the bottom of the site and click on 'safer space')

Refuge Richmond

Domestic Violence Helpline


Government help pages