At The Russell School, our day starts at 8.45am. Families can arrive from 8.30am as the school gates will be open. Alternatively, you can book your child in to Breakfast Club which runs from 7.45am.
It is also vital that you are not late for school. A member of staff will be on duty in all classrooms from 8.30am to take any messages or answer your questions. Children should not be left unattended until this time.
Children come into school through their external classroom doors from 8.30am. Please say goodbye to your child in the playground or at the gate so as not to cause congestion or cause your child to become anxious. We aim to build up your child’s independence, e.g. finding their peg themselves and organising their belongings, from their first day at school.
During the school day, your child will participate in a wide variety of activities, including reading, writing and mathematics. They will also have many opportunities to learn through science, history, geography and music to name but a few. At The Russell School, we pride ourselves on being able to offer a broad, balanced, creative and exciting themed curriculum.
All children have two opportunities to play outside, one during the morning and one at lunchtime. In Key Stage One, they sometimes have an additional afternoon break.
Our morning session ends at 12.15pm and the afternoon session begins at 1.15pm, finishing at 3.15pm.
Please do not be late at home time; wait outside of the classrooms or in the playground, ready for 3.15pm. For security reasons, children in the younger years will be let out of the classroom through the external doors when the teacher sees their parent or carer. If you arrange for someone else to collect your child, please make sure that your child’s teacher has been informed beforehand or telephone the school and let us know.