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    The Russell School


Pupil Premium is an allocation of funds made for a child who is eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). It is also made for a child that is part of a Forces family or is 'Looked After' by the Local Authority.

How else do we support our learners receiving FSM?
All staff – specifically teachers and Teaching Assistants – have high expectations for all pupils particularly those who are eligible for Free School Meals. Staff are aware of each child’s rate of progress and liaise with families if any child is not making expected progress.

Information about children’s progress is shared at Parents’ Evenings and in end of year reports. If appropriate, additional interventions and their successes are also discussed and parents are given specific targets to work on with their child.

Staff work closely with families and, where appropriate, outside agencies to ensure that they know the vulnerabilities of all children with FSM, any potential barriers to learning and what actions need to be taken.

Evidence from data tracking, book scrutinies and lesson observations are also used to inform our next steps, such as necessary intervention programmes.

We encourage our children receiving FSM to take advantage of extended learning opportunities such as football and gymnastics clubs, trips and residential journeys by assisting financially whenever possible.

The PE and Sports Premium is a grant provided by the Government which aims to increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport. It should also provide all children with a broader experience of a range of sports and activities and increase participation in competitive sport.

What happens next?

At the end of each academic year, data is published which shows the progress made by children receiving Pupil Premium funding. No child will be named in the data.

The spend for PE and Sports Premium is also reviewed annually against the intended outcomes of the plan.

Previous reports detailing the overview of Pupil Premium funding and progress are available on request.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

PE and Sport Premium Action Plan