  • Welcome to

    The Russell School


Year Two are the oldest children in Key Stage One.

Year Two are very proud to be the oldest children in Key Stage One. It makes them feel very grown up (especially as they take the lead roles in our KS1 Christmas production which is very exciting!).

We work very hard in Year Two getting ready for our National End of Key Stage Assessments which are very important. We also do lots of preparation ready for our big move to Key Stage Two in Year Three.

Even though we work really hard, our projects are really exciting. We also go on quite a few trips, which relate to these projects, and we look forward to them very much.

Our Imaginative Learning Projects:


Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Get your sea legs on, it’s time to sail the salty seas. Navigate, investigate and explore the world – just like Captain Cook. Make a boat, sink a ship, fly a pirate flag! How do rescues happen at sea? Find out about brave Miss Darling…


Who will you learn about during this exciting project? Find out all about important people in history who have changed peoples’ lives and the way they think. Maybe you will learn about Christopher Columbus or Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai or Greta Thunberg.


See the castle ahead? Get ready to invade its mighty walls! Shoot a projectile with an archer’s aim! Head across the drawbridge, over the moat and up to the top of the tower… Meet Rapunzel who lives in a tall, tall tower. Let’s build a brand new one… whose is the tallest? Can we measure it?


Hot, hot, hot! Dancing feet, step to the Samba beat! Visit the tropical world of Rio, with its diverse array of plants. Take a  tropical tour of Kew Gardens and enjoy the opening of our class garden centre. Become expert gardeners and be responsible for growing our own seeds and looking after the other plants in our garden centre.   


Grab your coat – we’re going on a minibeast hunt! Sweep your nets in puddles and ponds and lift up logs to see who is home. Set up your own minibeast laboratory and observe their every move. Add notes and labels and ask your own research questions…


You’re about to become an expert beachcomber! Look for interesting and unusual objects. Take a peek into rock pools to learn about the weird and wonderful animals and plants in their micro habitats. Invent your own amazing rock pool resident – what features will it need to survive?


Year 2 Mathematical Calculation Policy

Summer 2nd Half Term

Pathways to Spelling

Key Instant Recall Facts


Beachcombers Knowledge Organiser